short bio
art educations see exhibitions
born&educated in Baden-Baden, Germany
lives in Freiburg, Germany/(+Boston, MA, USA)/+Paris, France
artist : studied
ENSBA, Ecole Nationale Superieur des Beaux Arts, Paris, France
SOAK, Akademie Oskar Kokoschka, Salzburg, Austria
Diplom 2018, ADBK bei Thomas Lange, Germany, Italy
Meisterklasse von Markus Lüpertz, Düsseldorf/Kunstakademie Kolbermoor, Deutschland
musician : studied
Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA, USA (drum set)
Drummers Collective, New York City, NY, USA
scientist : studied
Psychologie and Philosophie, University of Freiburg, German, Dr. phil.(Ph.D.), Dipl.Psych./Clin.Psych.
psychoanalyst : studied/edu
Psychoanalysis at the Institut (DPV/IPA-PAU, Prof.Kächele) University of Ulm, Germany
Teaches at University of Freiburg, Germany, training analyste (DGPT)
and studied also:
politics and art at Univeristiy of Munich, Germany
(Hochschule fuer Politik, Muenchen)
as well as
french literatur at Universite Sorbonne, Paris, France
(examinated on Dominique Fromentin)